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8-1 Small Group Discussion Technological Initiatives

8-1 Small Group Discussion Technological Initiatives

Q U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has many technological initiatives to speed up its processes. For example, the dock worker identification program creates a common database of authorized personnel at ports of entry, which can create efficiency. However, it can also create drawbacks for a fluid workforce. Referring to the U.S. Customs process, discuss the balance between security and speed in a global supply chain and offer examples of when those two factors might be in conflict. In your responses to your peers, discuss your thoughts on the example they presented. Do you tend to lean more toward the need for security or the need for efficiency? Explain your reasoning. Refer to the Small Group Discussion Guidelines and Rubric for directions on completing these discussions.

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There has been a gradual enhancement in American supply chains and other developed countries because of the enhancement in the rate of business globalization. There can be lead times which can become longer and this can create major problems for maintaining a balance in the speed and the security measures taken in the implementation of global supply chains. There can also be the emergence of legal issues or even shortages in the supply which can destroy the balance. The creation of a common database for the authorized personnel identification at the American ports by the U.S. CBP can have drawbacks like tediousness of the entire process of operations of supply chain and distribution of supplied goods from one country to America.